The dragon is a kind of supernatural animal with scales and claws that can make rain in ancient Chinese legends. For thousands of years, as a symbol of the Chinese nation, the dragon has been worshipped by the descendants of millions of dragons. The dragon's artistic image has become an important subject of traditional decoration in China. It has left immortal shapes on many buildings and artifacts from ancient times to the present. Looking for the dragon on the coin as a symbol of wealth, this is one of the reasons why Tibetans love the Qing silver coin.
Diameter: 3.9 cm, weight: 26.5 cm, this coin side bead circle is the Chinese "Great Qing silver coin" four characters, the height of the bead circle is full, the Chinese "Xuantong three years" words, the bilateral arrangement of long branch chrysanthemum ornaments, the back "The word" round "sitting, The core is the dragon's volley, which surrounds one week from top to left to right. Seven tails must be up, the dragon's head is set up, two long whiskers are drooping, the nose is rising, the eyes are bright, the dragon's lines are exquisite, and the fireball is scornful. The bottom edge is English "round", the font is clear, The pulp is naturally mellow and is a very beautiful product.
Among the ancient coins, Daqing silver coin is a very important collection and has a high collection and investment value. Daqing silver coin is a product of the Qing Dynasty currency system. It is a multi-style version. It has a novel design and excellent production. It has always been a collection of coin lovers.
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